Simon Maguire is one of our Macmillan HOPE Facilitators and a champion of the Centre. Back in August, he interviewed our Patron, Professor Robert Thomas. The interview covers both Professor Thomas’ role as Patron and his position as Lead Oncologist and delves into his specialist interest in ‘cancer and lifestyle’.
Professor Thomas is a firm believer that exercise, diet and a healthy lifestyle not only can help you cope with cancer treatments and their side effects but they can also reduce the risk of complications and the rate of progression of cancer. Indeed, such a “lifestyle focus” can help you to avoid cancer in the first place.
Don’t miss Simon’s humorous and informative interview!
Click here to listen to the podcast.
(You’ll need to scroll down the page and click on this podcast which was recorded on August 9th, 2018. In the process you’ll also find a number of inspiring stories which you might enjoy.)