“We are immensely grateful to all our supporters, both individuals and organisations.
Your generous gifts of time and money make it possible for us to help many people, often over long periods. Our thanks to you all.”
At Cambridge Cancer Help Centre we receive no public funding and rely entirely on donations to carry on our work of providing practical and emotional support. Please help us be here for local families living with cancer, today, tomorrow and next year.
Making a donation online
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so securely online by selecting or entering the amount you would like to donate. We appreciate every gift however large or small.
Please click the button to the right to donate.
Alternatively, please visit our JustGiving page directly via this link:-
Please note….Online donations are via the JustGiving platform – this is a third party site. JustGiving do not charge a transaction fee on donations, but do request a donation to support running the platform. The default is 15%. It is entirely your choice what you give – you can select a custom amount from 0% upwards.
Donate to a cause
By donating to a cause, you will help us reach our targets quicker
Making a Donation by Cheque
If you prefer, you can send a cheque directly to our Treasurer at the address below. Please make your cheque payable to “Cambridge Cancer Help Centre”.
If you are a UK taxpayer and would be willing to Gift Aid your donation, please download and complete the form below and enclose it with your cheque. Thank you.
In Memoriam Gifts or Legacy
Many people choose to honour the memory of a loved one by making a donation, or holding a collection at the funeral, often in lieu of flowers. Many funeral homes organise on-line tributes and all the information you need is:-
Cambridge Cancer Help Centre
Charity Number – 1188745
David Rayner Building, 120 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5JT.
After taking care of your loved ones in your Will, you may also consider leaving a lasting gift to the Cambridge Cancer Care Centre, to help us to continue to help people living with cancer. This can be arranged with your solicitor quoting the above information.

Individual / Team Fundraising
By choosing to support your local cancer support charity you are not only contributing vital funds to help local families but you are also importantly raising our profile so that more families newly diagnosed with cancer, know that we are here for them. So double thank you for thinking of supporting us!
We all know that we feel good when we help others. Whether its organising a sociable coffee morning to catch up with friends and colleagues, perhaps incorporating a fundraising element to a birthday party, or perhaps tackling a personal challenge (like a fun run or marathon) there are endless fun ways to raise important charity funds and make some lasting heart warming memories. Please contact us for ideas and support.
Remember if you are a UK tax payer we can claim Gift Aid of 25% on each donation – that’s £2.50 extra for every £10 which makes a huge difference – it all adds up!
Corporate and Trust Support
It is estimated that 50% of the population will receive a cancer diagosis: that’s half of your workforce and customers that are likely to know someone in need of the CCHC.
For a small charity that relies entirely on donations, being selected as your Charity of the Year, or the chosen cause for staff fundraising activities, would make a huge impact on the development of our service. Please call the office to discuss how we can work together.
Cambridge Cancer Help Centre
Charity Number: 1188745
HSBC Account:- 33962172
Sort Code: 40-16-08
The Treasurer
Cambridge Cancer Help Centre
120 Cambridge Road
Great Shelford
CB22 5JT