The Centre offers a regular weekly programme of activities and events including the following. Why not join us?

- Thai Chi at 11.30am – 12.30pm
- Yoga Therapy is held every Monday 1.30pm – 3pm
- Craft Group 10am – 12noon. New members are very welcome!
- Guided Imagery, Mindfulness and Relaxation on Tuesdays, with two sessions – the first online at 10.30 – 11.30 and the second in The Centre 11.30am – 12.30pm. Learn new techniques to help you relax.
- Dance and Fitness class with Alison 2.30pm – 3.30pm. A gentle introduction to exercise.
- Art Group 11am – 2pm. New members are very welcome!
- Dance and Fitness class with Alison 11.30am – 12.30pm. A gentle introduction to exercise.